No, the Warriors Have No Plans to Trade Klay Thompson


   Klay Thompson's performance this season has been a bit of a mixed bag. While he's had some standout moments, his overall stats paint a picture of a good, but not outstanding, player. Averaging 15.7 points per game and shooting at a respectable 36.1% from beyond the arc, he's not quite the defensive force he used to be.

Now, the real challenge for the Warriors is figuring out the terms of a contract extension. Thompson is willing to take a pay cut from his current $43.2 million deal, but the big question is, how much is he really worth to the team moving forward?

Externally, there's speculation that the Warriors might explore trading an ageing player to maximize value. However, according to Zach Lowe of ESPN, that seems unlikely, at least when it comes to Klay Thompson. Lowe mentioned in his recent podcast, "The Lowe Post," that despite interest from other teams, the Warriors have no intention of parting ways with Thompson. It's not something they want to do, and the odds of it happening are slim.

The only scenario where Thompson and other core stars like Stephen Curry and Draymond Green would be traded is if they explicitly request it. At this point, that seems highly improbable. While Curry and Green are locked into new deals, the Warriors are negotiating a contract with Thompson. At the same time, they are strategically working to reduce their tax bill due to the recent financial constraints.

This season is crucial for the Warriors, who are fully committed to the core group led by coach Steve Kerr that secured them four championships. Internally, the team believes they have a legitimate shot in the competitive Western Conference with the right pieces falling into place, including improved performances from players like Andrew Wiggins.

The upcoming negotiations for Thompson's contract extension will be a storyline to watch this summer.
