Is Nuclear Power a Viable Component of Scotland's Energy Future?



Has there been a global shift in nuclear?

There appears to be a notable global shift in perspective on nuclear energy, once viewed with scepticism due to historical incidents like Chornobyl. Germany's decision to phase out nuclear power plants contributed to this perception shift. However, recent nuclear fusion technology advancements, which promise a cleaner and more potent energy source, have sparked renewed interest.

The urgency of addressing the climate crisis and achieving "net zero" carbon emissions has prompted a reevaluation of nuclear power's role. Despite concerns about cost and hazardous by-products, its zero-carbon nature positions it as a potential replacement for fossil fuels. This sentiment was underscored at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, where over 20 countries, including the USA, UK, Canada, Japan, France, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United Arab Emirates, signed a joint declaration on nuclear power.

In the declaration, these countries asserted that nuclear energy would play a "key role" in achieving net-zero emissions and curbing global temperature increases. The signatories aimed to triple global nuclear output, emphasizing its significance in the transition to cleaner energy.

Former Vice President and US envoy John Kerry addressed the conference, highlighting the indispensability of nuclear energy in reaching the net-zero goal by 2050. He specifically mentioned the "potential in fusion to revolutionize our world," acknowledging the transformative possibilities of nuclear fusion technology.

This growing acknowledgement of nuclear energy's potential, especially in combating climate change, marks a significant shift in the global energy discourse. The focus on advancements like nuclear fusion underscores a collective effort to explore cleaner and more sustainable alternatives to meet the world's energy needs.

The "Energy Mix" and the Role of Nuclear and Renewables

Ministers frequently discuss the concept of the "energy mix," highlighting the changing balance over time between various energy sources like renewables, oil, gas, and nuclear to meet a country's energy demands. While Scotland boasts significant renewable potential, there are challenges associated with the intermittent nature of renewable sources, such as fluctuations in wind and sunlight.

Storage capacity for surplus energy is currently limited, and the reliance on a single power line from Beauly to Denny to transport energy from the Highlands raises concerns. Efforts to develop new infrastructure face opposition from communities, as seen in objections to plans for pylons in the Mearns region.

Energy analyst Helen MacInnes noted that the UK is paying generators to shut off wind farms due to transportation constraints. She highlighted the need for future-proofing the grid and strategic planning for its evolution in the coming years.

Amid these challenges, nuclear energy emerges as a potential contributor to a low-carbon energy system, serving as a reliable "baseload" to complement renewable sources. Professor Rebecca Lunn, an expert in civil and environmental engineering at the University of Strathclyde, emphasized the steady supply of zero-carbon energy from nuclear reactors.

While acknowledging the disadvantages of nuclear energy, Lunn highlighted its capability to provide a continuous and reliable energy source, particularly during periods when renewable sources may be less productive. The integration of nuclear energy into the energy mix, alongside advancements in storage technology, aims to ensure a consistent and sustainable energy supply for the future.

UK Government Affirms Commitment to New Nuclear Developments

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The UK government has expressed strong support for new nuclear initiatives, including commitments to developments at the Hinckley Point and Sizewell plants. Plans for a new generation of smaller reactors are also in progress, aligning with the government's goal of promoting nuclear energy as a key component in achieving net-zero emissions.

Andrew Bowie, the Minister for Nuclear and Networks, reinstated the Great British Nuclear body this year to coordinate the nuclear industry in the UK. In an interview with the BBC's Political podcast, Bowie emphasized the role of nuclear energy in reaching net-zero targets while simultaneously creating high-wage, high-skill jobs. He highlighted the potential for the nuclear industry to invest in local communities and stimulate economies in regions in need of job opportunities and investment.

Bowie underlined the cleanliness, safety, and security of nuclear energy, asserting its capacity to deliver energy for generations. While acknowledging the high construction costs associated with nuclear projects, he emphasized their necessity in the pursuit of a sustainable and low-carbon energy future. Bowie expressed the government's determination to push ahead with nuclear developments, noting public support for these initiatives.

What's happening in Scotland?

During COP28, First Minister Humza Yousaf and the Scottish government have shown a commitment to carbon-cutting initiatives but have maintained a distinct stance on nuclear energy. Scotland currently has one active nuclear power plant at Torness in East Lothian, scheduled to close by 2028. Post-closure, nuclear energy in Scotland will come from plants located south of the border.

While energy policy falls under Westminster's jurisdiction, planning powers are devolved to Holyrood, giving the Scottish government the authority to block projects it opposes, particularly those related to nuclear power and fracking. Energy Secretary Neil Gray recently expressed the Scottish government's perspective, describing nuclear energy as expensive, unsafe, and unwanted in Scotland.

Mr. Gray emphasized Scotland's abundance of natural energy resources and capital, asserting that these can contribute to the country's energy mix. He argued against the need for new nuclear power in Scotland, pointing out the extended timeline for nuclear projects to become operational and the potential increase in household and business energy bills. The Scottish government believes that significant growth in renewables, energy storage, hydrogen, and carbon capture offers the most viable pathway to achieving net zero in Scotland, contrasting with what they perceive as a less environmentally friendly approach by the UK government.

Potential for Change in Scotland's Stance on Nuclear Energy

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While the UK government has been known to push back against Scottish ministers on various issues, Minister for Nuclear and Networks Andrew Bowie asserts that a "muscular unionism" approach will not be applied to nuclear energy. He emphasizes respect for devolution and acknowledges the SNP and Green Party as the democratically elected government of Scotland. Bowie encourages a reconsideration of the current anti-nuclear stance.

Scottish sites are considered for potential reactor locations, but no plans will be proposed without backing from Holyrood. Bowie's commitment to devolution aligns with Scottish ministers' preferences, but pressure persists for a change in the anti-nuclear position.

Despite respecting the Scottish government's authority, Bowie has been critical, describing the block on nuclear developments as "an act of economic vandalism" and "bordering on criminally negligent." However, with the Greens firmly integrated into the Scottish government, the likelihood of a policy shift remains low.

Green minister Patrick Harvie maintains concerns about the expense and risks associated with nuclear energy, echoing sentiments shared by other officials. Recent reporting on an alleged cyber-attack on the Sellafield nuclear waste storage site has added to concerns about the risks associated with nuclear facilities. While the facility denies a successful state-sponsored attack, Bowie acknowledges the suboptimal nature of such stories and is working with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority to address concerns raised by the media.
