Russian Activists Claim to Have Blown Up Voronezh Oil Depot in Anti-Putin Move

Photo:Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR)

  Pro-Ukrainian volunteers linked to the Freedom of Russia Legion (LSR) have asserted responsibility for the explosion at an oil depot in Voronezh, Russia. They shared footage of the incident on their Telegram channel.

Russian volunteers from LSR commented on the attack, stating, “To destroy the enemy’s fuel on the front, you need to conduct reconnaissance, spend an infinite number of shells, involve gunners and UAV operators. To destroy the fuel in the rear, you need a matchstick and one sleepless night.”

The Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR) of the Ministry of Defense reported yesterday that the incident occurred on Tuesday, Dec. 12. The HUR claimed that "unknown opponents of the Putin regime" blew up a fuel tank, causing a fire at the facility.

However, Russia chose to conceal the act of sabotage by creating a narrative involving "training units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations" near a multi-ton fuel tank. According to Russian authorities, Voronezh rescuers, during this "training," successfully prevented ignition followed by an explosion.

The Freedom of Russia Legion has verified the destruction of a Rosneft fuel tank caused by the explosion. The Legion included a commentary, stating, “To destroy a tank in the rear, it is enough to unscrew one nut at the manufacturing plant.”

In their message, the Legion conveyed warm greetings and great respect to all unknown patriots working in their Motherland.

LSR emphasizes that Russia's valuable resources should benefit the nation and not be used for what they call a "criminal war."

In a recent incident in late May, members of the RDK and the Freedom of Russia Legion, both pro-Ukrainian groups, entered Russia's Belgorod region from Ukraine using two tanks, an armored personnel carrier, and nine other armored vehicles. Ukraine consistently asserts that those involved are exclusively Russian citizens.

The audacious operation led to two days of widespread disruption in the Belgorod region, prompting Russia to deploy jets and artillery to fend off the armed attackers.

Andriy Yusov, spokesperson for the HUR, confirmed that these groups initiated an operation in the Belgorod Region with the aim of "liberating these territories from the so-called Putin regime." Their goal is to establish a "security zone" along the border to shield Ukrainian civilians from further Russian bombardment.
