Kuleba Praises Scholz for Enabling Adoption of Pro-Ukraine Decision at EU Summit


   Ukraine's Foreign Affairs Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, expressed gratitude to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz for his crucial role in addressing the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's potential veto during the vote on Ukraine's accession talks. In an interview with Bild's Paul Ronzheimer, Kuleba acknowledged Scholz's decisive action, which ensured the passage of the decision.

Kuleba emphasized that Chancellor Scholz's efforts to neutralize Hungary's veto threat would be remembered as a significant display of German leadership in the interest of Europe. According to Kuleba, Scholz not only averted a potential obstacle but also earned genuine admiration from the Ukrainian people.

Reflecting on the earlier criticisms of Germany's response during the initial stages of the conflict, especially regarding the timely supply of weapons and heavy equipment, Kuleba noted a positive shift in Germany's approach. He highlighted the evolving dynamics and stressed that, amid concerns about a potential distancing of the USA from Ukraine, Kyiv is increasingly relying on Berlin for support.

Recalling events from last May, Dmytro Kuleba highlighted that during the campaign in Germany advocating for Ukraine's EU candidate status, his appeals for Berlin to assume a leading role were mostly overlooked. Experts and politicians in the German capital conveyed that Germany wasn't aiming to take the lead in such matters.

Expressing satisfaction with the evolving scenario, Kuleba remarked on the positive shift in German political decisions since then. He expressed hope that this change not only signifies a significant transformation but also heralds a broader and enduring shift in Germany's approach to spearheading efforts in resolving intricate issues.

The positive shift in perception towards Germany extends to security assistance, with criticism softening, especially due to the transfer of air defense capabilities. Notably, Germany might not supply the eagerly anticipated Taurus long-range missiles, as reported by Bild.

Expressing gratitude for Germany's multifaceted support, ranging from military aid to financial assistance, Dmytro Kuleba emphasized that the most significant Christmas gift from Berlin is the political clarity on Ukraine's EU membership. He underscored the importance of eliminating gray areas in Europe, advocating for a clear choice: either painting the map of Europe in EU colors for the security and prosperity of all Europeans or facing the potential consequences of instability and destruction at the hands of external forces. Kuleba expressed his satisfaction that the recent developments have contributed to a sense of increased safety and confidence.

This week, the European Council backed the initiation of negotiations for Ukraine's entry into the European Union with 26 votes, overcoming concerns that Hungary might obstruct the process. Notably, Prime Minister Orbán refrained from participating in the vote, a move facilitated by Chancellor Scholz, who suggested a coffee break for the Hungarian leader during the crucial decision.

At present, Scholz emerges as a significant advocate for Ukraine's advancement towards the EU, playing a pivotal role in overcoming obstacles. Simultaneously, he puts forth proposals for reform within the bloc itself. This marks a notable development in Scholz's influential involvement in shaping the EU's direction and supporting Ukraine's progress.
