France, UK to Support Ukraine 'For as Long as it Takes': Cameron

Photo by Adrian DENNIS / AFP

   France and the UK are committed to supporting Ukraine in its resistance against the Russian invasion "for as long as it takes," stated British Foreign Secretary David Cameron on Tuesday, December 19. Cameron emphasized the necessity of defeating President Vladimir Putin. Concerns have arisen in Kyiv about potential cracks in Western patience and unity nearly two years after the invasion began in February 2022.

"Britain and France have been steadfast supporters of Ukraine, and we will continue to be for as long as it takes," Cameron asserted after discussions in Paris with French counterpart Catherine Colonna. He added, "I have no doubt that we can make sure Putin loses, and it is essential he does lose."

"We must be absolutely staunch in how we back Ukraine," he concluded.

On Monday, the White House issued a warning, stating that the United States currently has funding authorization for only one more aid package to Ukraine this year. The situation arises as certain hardline Republicans in Congress are obstructing additional aid.

Emphasizing the need for the West to remain steadfast, Cameron likened the struggle against the Russian invasion to a play with distinct acts.

"The first act was the stunning failure of Russia to achieve its objectives" during the initial phase of the invasion, Cameron stated.

"The second act was the brilliance the Ukrainians showed in driving back the Russians... and of course, the third act has been more difficult on land," he remarked, alluding to the challenges faced by the Ukrainian counteroffensive this summer in achieving a breakthrough.

Cameron, the former prime minister recently appointed Britain's top diplomat, remarked, "But the fourth act is yet to be written, and we must be sure we write it in the correct way."

Both Cameron and Colonna were keen to underscore that Britain and France remained aligned on major international issues, including Ukraine and the Middle East, even post-Brexit.

"Our two countries, shoulder-to-shoulder since the beginning, have worked together to ensure that Russian aggression cannot be rewarded, that it is a failure, and that Ukraine can recover its freedom, its sovereignty, its territorial integrity," stated Colonna.

"We hope that this cooperation can be further strengthened," she added.
